The Deadly pLandemic!

by Pat Shannan

The only people in the world, it seems, that believe in the conspiracy theory of history are those of us who have studied it.

And today, in April of 2020, the only people who believe that this so-called “Corona Virus” is a new-found killer disease for which there is no known cure (but the so-called “scientists” are frantically working to discover one) and sport a silly mask wherever they go have had their eyes and ears stuck to the deceptive, brain-washing TV news day and night and have looked no further to discover the truth of the situation. If you have never read George Orwell’s 1984, it is time to do so in order to recognize his Ministry of Truth operating on our brains right now.

Are those on the propaganda box telling us the truth about just how deadly this virus is?  Staggeringly, we have incontrovertible proof that they are not!!  Because there is no real pandemic, the controlled news must create one to prop up the hoax.

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Tue, 03/31/2020 – 12:20

It appears as though the onset of a global pandemic and the ensuing carnage that it has wrought around the United States isn’t sensational enough for one newsmedia outlet, which was caught this week faking footage of a New York City emergency room dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. Internet sleuths started to piece together a video clip from CBS on a report about the outbreak in New York, which was then picked up by the Gateway PunditThe report about New York City used a video clip of an Italian hospital, seemingly overwhelmed with capacity.

The first photo is from Sky News’ coverage of the coronavirus crisis in Italy, from March 22. It shows an overwhelmed hospital staff in an emergency room in Northern Italy:

“This is the main hospital in Bergamo, in Lombardy province. It’s one of the most advanced hospitals in Europe,” Sky News reported at the time.

And this is the footage that CBS chose to air on March 25, while talking about New York City being the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S.:

Twitter user @Alx posted a side by side comparison of the two videos, stating “During a Pandemic, it is essential that the Media give us real and accurate information. It’s completely irresponsible for@CBSNews to use footage from an Italian Hospital when talking about the outbreak in New York City.”

And what’s probably more significant is that this fake news is not hidden away in some dark corner of the Internet on a crazy ‘conspiracy’ website but is actually spelled out for us in plain English on the UK government’s official website!  Don’t believe us?  Just click on the link below and scroll down to ‘Status of COVID-19’

High consequence infectious diseases (HCID)

So, why do I call your mask “silly?” Because even some of the doctors on the boob tube told you that the mask will not protect you from inhaling the dreaded germs spread into the air by a fellow sneezer but is only for those who have already tested positive for the “virus” to prevent them from infecting others. So if that is you that I see wearing a mask in the supermarkets, I wanna say, What are you doing out here spreading your germs in the first place? Don’t you have someone to fetch your groceries (and toilet paper) for you?  And if this is not you, and you have not been diagnosed and are ignorantly thinking you are protecting yourself, I just wanna tell ya’ how foolish you look.


So, phony as the whole virus scare is, it’s working and “Panic is the contagion.”

Then what could be the purpose of such a fraud and its magnitude? There can be but one answer: a smokescreen. This ploy is a cover-up for something, and while we cannot be certain yet of just what, we have narrowed it to three possibilities, and two of them are of a positive nature.

1 – First the negative, this one is terrifying, so let’s get it out of the way first. (Click here.)

So, is the “house arrest” designed to prevent the public observance of the installation of the 5G carriers in all the schools and on the many cell towers?

It’s an interesting thing that is going on with the 5G, but we feel the shutdown would hardly be necessary to accomplish it. The schools may already be upgrading to the higher level as we speak, but such a drastic measure as we see happening would not be necessitated to achieve this goal. We see workmen every day in the streets, climbing poles and even at the school buildings without it raising our concerns or suspicions. Therefore, such a massive operation to cover up such a simple installation project seems beyond the pale.

2 – Are we about to see Martial Law imposed nationally? If so, why?

Some say that the COVID-19 hoax was designed by the Deep State (Illuminati) to gain the final grasp on imposing the New World Order government worldwide, but Trump has outsmarted them again. His plan is to order the imposition of martial law in order to protect the law-abiding citizenry while the U. S. military troops round up 100,000+ traitors and pedophiles, load them on prison ships and sail to Gitmo for military tribunals. This theory is supported by the inordinate amount of flights this year already going to Cuba as well as the documented rumor that Guantanamo prison is capable of housing ten times the number of prisoners as was possible a year ago.

3 – And then there is the destruction/replacement of the Fed, which would amount to the greatest news Americans could get.

There is another project that could be accomplished during the martial law lockdown at the same time #2 is going on, and that would be the Monetary Reset – that is our return to lawful money as mandated by the U. S. Constitution (Art. I, Sec. 10) and God Almighty Himself (Deut. 25, 13-15) but destroyed a century ago by the surreptitious passing of the Federal Reserve Act. During the first 125 years of our nation’s history, there was but 1% inflation and that was created by crooked bankers buying things for themselves with excess paper when there were no real funds to back it up. It was “creating money out of thin air” — the same thing the Fed began to do on a much larger scale after their first bank opened in 1914. Growing up in the 1950s, your editor paid a nickel for what we pay a dollar or more for today.

But the Financial Reset will cause great civil unrest, and a certain criminal element, should they not receive their welfare checks will certainly react with burglary and violence. This could be further motivation for enacting martial law that would put National Guard troops in the streets for the people’s protection.

Furthermore . . .

Donald J. Trump


I just signed the CARES Act, the single biggest economic relief package in American History – twice as large as any relief bill ever enacted. At $2.2 Trillion Dollars, this bill will deliver urgently-needed relief for our nation’s families, workers, and businesses.

NOW HEAR THIS!  If President Trump is really aiming to replace the Fed and restore lawful money, this is the perfect ploy to pull it off. Another coupla’ trillion shoved into circulation in one month will almost certainly send the Fed “dollars” into hyper-inflation and destroy their purchasing power forever. To prevent our becoming another Venezuela, he will have to come out with the gold-backed currency immediately, posthaste, if not sooner! Just mentioning this reminds me of the story I read maybe fifty years ago about the hyperinflation going on in Germany following WWI. American business owners were sending telegraph messages to their managers in Berlin and Munich to “buy things” — meaning office equipment, furniture, cleaning supplies. Anything would be more valuable than paper money.  One anecdote had it that a woman with a small child was holding a basket full of Deutsch Marks and standing on the sidewalk in a long line of people preparing to buy some groceries. Suddenly, the child broke and ran away chasing something or another child. The woman set down the basket to go fetch her kid, and when she returned a minute later, someone had dumped the Marks onto the sidewalk and stolen her basket!

AND HERE IS A 4TH POSSIBILITY NEWLY ADDED ON 4/5/20: (click on the headline)

Maybe the Ships Are For the Children


The mortality rate for the coronavirus in the US continues to fall as more and more Americans are able to be tested.

A month ago, the US coronavirus mortality rate was 4.06

Today the mortality rate is down to 1.25%!

4.06% March 8 (22 deaths of 541 cases)

3.69% March 9 (26 of 704)

3.01% March 10 (30 of 994)

2.95% March 11 (38 of 1,295)

2.52% March 12 (42 of 1,695)

2.27% March 13 (49 of 2,247)

1.93% March 14 (57 of 2,954)

1.84% March 15 (68 of 3,680)

1.6% March 17 (116 of 7,301)

1.4% March 19 (161 of 11,329)

1.25% March 20 (237 of 18,845)

01.0% March 22 (396 of 38,167

Click here to read The Bloodless Coup – The Fake Epidemic

This Musings piece is great speculation because none of us can know for sure what is coming. I suspect the month of April may be the most consequential of our lives, as one faction is hellbent on destroying the United States as we have known it, and another is trying to prevent that destruction. And behind the scenes, we must not forget, lurks zillionaire Bill Gates, whose goal is to reduce the world’s population of 7+ billion people to a mere 500 million. What better way to do that than with the imposition by law of forced vaccinations designed to kill the “deplorables” rather than cure an imaginary illness?

Why did a former computer nerd and mogul become so interested in vaccination and disease?

(from Tyler Durder)  “Possibly because he’s worth over $100 billion and thinks he owns the world. He also wants to make an impact on humanity. Getting rid of excess humanity, that is. Bill’s father was once the head of Planned Parenthood. He comes from a eugenics background. Gates frets about world population growth. Is it any wonder he pushes Monsanto’s GMO food as well as harmful vaccines?

Apparently Bill’s computer simulations discovered that people would easily fold under government pressure combined with an unseen enemy. Billions of people are under lockdown right now. Half the world is shut down. Gates must marvel at how easy it was to do it. Things are going according to plan. They can’t control us physically, but he can control us mentally through fear drummed into our brains 24/7 by mass media.” 

We can only wait and see.

Meanwhile, I have this driving urge to have a T-shirt made that says, “FREE HUGS DURING QUARANTINE!”

That way I can appear as nutty to the rest of the world as they do to me right now.

Here’s more if you are not yet convinced:

WHOA! Dr. Fauci in 2017: President Trump Will Be Challenged By a “Surprise Global Disease Outbreak” (VIDEO)

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic


Comment (1)

  1. Christopher Starrett

    I believe the virus to be man-made with the intension to wipe out most of the population as Bill Hellgates and Israel have been trying to do for years all over the world. However, their virus ended up being a complete failure as to what they had in mind. We all are up against very rich and powerful monsters who control most everything and are losing that control for the first time in centuries. There’s a huge war going on now between good and evil and when that war is done good winning we will see a new age of truth and abundance. The mark of the beast on everyone left won’t happen as they have planned for so long. The baby blood they drink is running out fast and without it, they get old and sick and hopefully die off.

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