Take a BIG guess as to why most flu shots are free
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 by: S.D. Wells
Tags: bad science, badhealth, big medicine, Big Pharma, Dangerous Medicine, disease causes, Elderberry, false-flag, flu shot hoax, flu shot mercury, flu shot poison, Flu shots, healthcare, influenza vaccine mercury, propaganda, sick care complex, toxic flu shots, toxic ingredients, vaccine wars, vaccines

(Natural News) Can you name any medicine that the U.S. government or the CDC offers for free other than the flu shot? Does it make you wonder why? If not, that’s probably because you get the flu shot every year, and your cognitive abilities are very limited, due to the high mercury levels secretly dosed in nearly every influenza vaccine doled out. As part of an ongoing effort to keep Americans stupid enough to believe in the mass media narratives, regularly taking toxic prescription medications, and continually consuming processed, mind-numbing “food stuff” like canola oil, flu shots are one of the most insidious “injections” of the sick care complex – and that is why they’re free!
For starters, it’s a scientific fact that once you get a flu shot, you’re more susceptible to contracting the influenza virus the following year, and a worsened case of it at that. That’s because the flu shot contains genetically modified viral strains and 25,000 times more mercury than the EPA themselves tell you to avoid when consuming fish and water. Oops. No flu shot has ever been proven to be safe or effective in clinical trials either. In fact, the warning label on the flu vaccine insert informs you that if you’ve ever received a flu vaccine, that you should not get another one. Still, the CDC pushes the masses to get their free flu shot anyhow, even when they guess the wrong strains, year in and year out, like they did this year already.
Just like polio, most people who come down with the flu are the very people who got the vaccine. That’s because the vaccine contains live virus strains that are only weakened by formaldehyde, another deadly contaminant the CDC excuses as necessary for manufacturing purposes. The parasites and pathogens, in other words, are just hibernating in your muscle tissue, and once they “come back to life,” they are contagious, especially the first two weeks after getting injected.
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That means every child at daycare and elementary school and middle and high school who gets the free flu shot heightens the chances of their peers contracting the flu from the very “herd” of animals (their friends) that the CDC claims is safer than the non-vaccinated kids. Oh, the irony of the narrative.
The flu shot HERD contains the most dangerous animals on Earth — live virus-infected sheeple
The biggest scam in the USA is free. Well, at first it is. Once you get the flu shot and then get the flu, the odds are that you or your kids will wind up in a doctor’s office, catching new germs and viruses while in the waiting room, touching everything all the other sick people are touching.
Then, the medical deity (M.D.) will surely prescribe toxic pharmaceuticals that help him or her obtain bonuses in the form of cash, tickets to professional sporting events, and time-share condos on luxurious islands.
Meanwhile, you and your child’s immune systems are further compromised by more harmful chemicals, all while depleting good gut bacteria that may have prevented you from contracting the flu in the first place.
The flu shot is free because it nearly guarantees decreased cognition, critical thinking ability and systemic immune defense. The flu shot is free because it nearly guarantees you and your children will need to visit a “doc-in-the-box” 24-hour clinic near you or even an emergency room, while suffering from high fever, diarrhea, chills, and malnutrition.
The flu shot is free because it’s the fulcrum of the Allopathetic health Ponzi scheme that makes you sicker, even if you don’t catch the flu.
The flu shot is the ultimate scam, laced with deadly neurotoxins and advertised as 100 percent safe and effective, even though it’s never ever been tested in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies or any kind of peer-reviewed research.
The CDC doesn’t dare compare the influenza virus statistics between those vaccinated and those not vaccinated, knowing good and well what the results will reveal.
There’s a reason the flu shot is almost always free — and it’s NOT what you think…
The general public is completely and utterly brainwashed by the media that the flu is deadly. People who die in hospitals from the flu actually die from crippled immune systems, MRSA superbug viruses, dirty instruments that carry bacteria, and medical errors. Still, the CDC twists and skews statistics to say millions of people die from the flu so they can scare the masses into getting the free shot. Shoot, it’s free, so why not get it? Right?
Folks, that’s the main reason you don’t get it. What other medicine in the USA is free? Especially medicine that’s expensive to make and created in laboratories, genetically modified, dosed with the world’s most deadly non-radioactive element, and then injected directly into the muscle tissue of pregnant women.
Did you know that elderberry is a natural remedy for the flu? Sure is. Did you know that garlic, oregano oil, licorice root and vitamin D3 are essential to supporting a healthy immune system, especially all winter, while the “herd” of flu-infected, vaccine-injected animals interact with you at school, work, and at every Walmart in the country?
There’s a reason the flu shot is almost always free, and it’s not because the CDC wants you healthy. Let that “sink in” for a minute (pun intended). Do you really want mercury coursing through your veins, crossing the blood/brain barrier? Welcome to America, home of the vaccine-virus-infected sheeple roaming around in their “safe” herds.
Think about it – there aren’t any other free medicines. Why would Big Pharma offer an expensive serum for nothing? The trade off is a big payoff when you get sick and sicker from the toxic ingredients. It’s a medical horror pushed as normal. Folks, the flu shot is a hoax, plain and simple. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean you got to jump on the bandwagon (that’s going over a health cliff).
Tune into Vaccines.news for more updates on toxic shots and “free medicine” that sends you to the bottom of the health well fast.
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Big Pharma is NOT out to cure ANYONE….they want to create Customers for Life! And btw, Epstein didn’t kill himself.