Shocking vaccine truth: Hundreds of cancer genes are deliberately engineered into the MMR vaccine to promote cancer for generations to come
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 by: Mike Adams
Tags: badcancer, badhealth, badmedicine, cancer genes, CDC, FDA, Fetal cells, MMR, MRC-5, vaccines, virus, WI-38

(Natural News) A shocking new gene sequencing investigation has found that MMR vaccines are deliberately engineered to cause cancer as a repeat business model for Big Pharma, which manufactures vaccines and cancer treatment drugs for profit.
MMR vaccines were found to contain the complete gene sequence of a specific human (aborted) baby whose genes were modified to express cancer. In all, over 500 genes were altered to heighten the expression of cancer.
The CDC openly admits that these aborted human fetal cells are known ingredients in vaccines. The altered genes are found in ingredients called “MRC-5” or “WI-38,” both of which are openly acknowledged by the CDC as ingredients in vaccines. (See the CDC’s excipient table document here – PDF.)
The same aborted human fetal genes, modified to promote cancer, are also found in chicken pox vaccines. See the proof of WI-38 and MRC-5 ingredients in the Varivax vaccine via the FDA’s official website at this link.
The MMR vaccine from Glaxo Smith Kline also contains modified, aborted human fetal cells. See the GSK MMR insert sheet here.
An FDA researcher has previously warned the agency that viruses used in vaccines may cause “activation” of cancer genes which are also inserted into vaccines. Via
In some cases the cell lines that are used might be tumorigenic, that is, they form tumors when injected into rodents. Some of these tumor-forming cell lines may contain cancer-causing viruses that are not actively reproducing. Such viruses are hard to detect using standard methods. These latent, or “quiet,” viruses pose a potential threat, since they might become active under vaccine manufacturing conditions.
Watch this video, below, to understand the full ramifications of the vaccine industry’s death wish for humanity. This is a must-see mini-documentary available exclusively on, the free speech alternative to YouTube. (Join now at this link and post your own videos.)
Also see the recent interview with the producers of Vaxxed 2, the new documentary that’s about to be released, exposing the “war zone” of dead children across America who are being routinely killed by vaccines.
Read more truth about vaccines at