Thread by @ThomasWictor: “(1) Boy. I’m now 100 percent convinced that Peter Strzok was an Iranian agent, and Barack Obama was being blackmailed by the mullahs. This h […]”

I’m now 100 percent convinced that Peter Strzok was an Iranian agent, and Barack Obama was being blackmailed by the mullahs.
This has some interesting things in it.
Which is how the mullahs describe themselves.
There are about 85,000 Palestinian-Americans there.
Versus 292,000 Jewish people.
By definition, he therefore has ties to Iran.
By definition, Rezko would have ties to Iran.
She wrote a book titled “Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”
“Iraqi Security Forces and Lessons from Korea.”
Strategic Studies Institute, 2006.
The US initially KEPT THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT IN PLACE. Then the Japanese were removed but retained as advisers.
The parents objected, because they felt she was too young, and he had no future.
There’s no way that Obama had his sights set on the presidency when he was 25. That’s a myth.
He learned how to PRETEND to be an intellectual by mimicking the mannerisms.
And he memorized about ten conversations that made him seem intelligent.
Soros actually had presidency in his hands.
So why didn’t Obama do everything Soros wanted?
Obama began helping Iran–by omission–ONE MONTH into his presidency.
And from October 1, 2009, he worked full time on getting the nuclear deal.
But if the mullahs had gotten nukes, THAT would not be reversible.
And THAT is why Obama was put in the White House.
Everything else he did was secondary…