Detention Areas Give Children Best Healthcare Of Their Lives

In addition to being separated from potential sex traffickers, immigrant children receive the best healthcare in their young lives when they are sheltered in US border facilities managed by the Trump administration.
Trump’s health chief defends care of children in border detention centers
(The Hill) HHS Sec. Alex Azar said that migrant children being held in detention centers after crossing the U.S. border have been treated well.
“We believe we are doing our best to care for these children extremely well,” Azar said Wednesday.
He said children in the facilities are being provided with education, dental care, medical care and psychological care, and are participating in athletics.
Azar argued that separating children from parents was a consequence of the parents crossing the border illegally.
“Nobody has ever desired to separate families. If you are arrested, your kids aren’t going to be with you.”
“If you want to remain with your children, don’t come across the border illegally,” Azar said.
“Present yourself at a legal border crossing, make your case if you have a case to make …”
President Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order intended to end his administration’s policy of family separations at the southern border.
The order calls on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to keep families together while people await trial for illegal border crossing.
Read the full story by Nathaniel Weixel at The Hill.