We have mentioned often that for years we told people that the next time any big event occurs, “Turn on your TV and recorders and pay attention to what the on-the-spot street reporters are saying during the first hours. They are honestly reporting what is going on.” The greatest example of this was the OKC bombing in 1995. You need not watch and listen to this whole hour and a half (although it would be beneficial to your education to do so) in order to appreciate what we just said. Here you have the early reports of what actually went on in OKC between 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on 4/19/95. The OKC bombing of the Murrah Building was an inside job. It was blown from the inside, but by noon the contrived news reports had portrayed a disgruntled Army dropout named Tim McVeigh having driven a rented Ryder truck full of ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO) to the front door and detonated it. Even though this was later proven to have been impossible, the myth remains today as another piece of fake news evolving into the next chapter of fake history.

However, today there are no street reporters anymore telling the truth about events as they are unfolding. Even the myth is pre-programmed and placed in the hands of all factions of the “Ministry of Truth” (the news media — Orwell) prior to the contrived atrocity. Such was the situation in Broward County, Florida on February 14, 2018, as proven here.


They said the next day that Nik Cruz had confessed to being the sole shooter. To whom? We have seen no proof of this or under what conditions such an alleged confession was obtained, if at all. And the facts don’t mesh. Cruz was delivered to the school by Uber taxi only a minute or two before the shooting started. He was not armed but was certainly on the scene soon enough to qualify as the “designated patsy” that he appears to have been. He did not have time to get decked out in the full combat regalia that the teacher in the video saw the shooter wearing. He also did not have time to remove that outfit (and stash the weapon) before he was walking out in street clothes and chatting with two fellow students (who knew him well) while the shooting was still going on upstairs. We are now told that Cruz will plead “Not Guilty,” in which case these students would certainly be his alibi witnesses in the old days of fair trials. Not so anymore. Then there is the Deep State likelihood of Sheriff Scott Israel being an accomplice from the beginning. Were his deputies actually “cowards” or were they “following [his] orders.”

Several of his deputies have defined what a fraud Sheriff Israel really is, others have retired, two have died mysteriously; and here we have a Florida State Representative discussing the plans to have the governor remove Israel from office:

The fix is in.

What accused person, especially an innocent one, can expect justice these days in the trial court of corrupt judges disallowing exculpatory evidence from the juries and “sell-out” court-appointed attorneys in this Orwellian world in which we now live? For three months now, the Controlled Mass Media has sold us the lie that Cruz posted on social media his desire to kill students in a mass shooting. But did he really write that? History of previous setups has shown it to be dubious. Go back to our March Musings to see the factual information and the news videos that continue to be suppressed by the CMM.

As with Oswald, McVeigh and those Russian brothers from the Boston Marathon drill/false flag bombing, Nik Cruz is the latest Deep State patsy.