Glenn Beck: History Vindicated Joe McCarthy

Senator Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism: What Are the Facts?

I have felt for a long time that he got a very bad rap. I feel he was right on.

Written by Thomas R. Eddlem
25 June 2010

Fox News host Glenn Beck aired an extraordinary program June 24 explaining how the facts released from the files of the FBI and the World War II-era Office of Strategic Services over the past two decades have vindicated the controversial charges of communism in the U.S. State Department by Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The Wisconsin Republican’s name has been transformed into an epithet, “McCarthyism,” by much of the political Left that is intended to mean smearing political opponents with unfounded charges. While the Left and much of the Right accepted as gospel that McCarthy’s charges were false, many conservatives (including the late William F. Buckley) have defended McCarthy as essentially correct on the facts and the specific cases he mentioned publicly. But in an interview with author M. Stanton Evans, Beck gave a fair summary of Soviet penetration of U.S. government after the Second World War that has only become known since the mid-1990s with the release of the Venona Papers, FBI files, and other primary source documents.

Beck asked: “The question is, was Joseph McCarthy right? Was he right?” And the inescapable conclusion he came to after reading Evans’ Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy was that McCarthy had told the truth. (The book was reviewed by The New American here.) “I don’t want to believe this,” Beck told Evans of his reaction when Evans’ book was first published in 2007. “I put it down and I went ‘I’m not ready to hear that. I can’t handle that.'” But Beck later finished the book anyway and asked the audience, “Okay. Please, America, read this book.”

  1. Stanton Evans told Beck of his research on McCarthy that

I found a lot of stuff missing, a lot of stuff had been censored, a lot of stuff that was in the records in one place but blacked out in another place. Mostly what I found was that the FBI files, which backed up what McCarthy was saying, had been withheld for 50 years. And we now have them, or many of them, and they show essentially that he was right in general. There was a massive penetration of the government, and that it was covered up, and that he threatened that cover-up. And that’s why he was isolated, demonized, and destroyed. That’s the technique.

Beck pointed out that the “Red Scare” of the 1950s had more to do with ensuring employees of the U.S. government were loyal to their employer and not to a rival nation rather than a mere battle against a particular political or philosophical opinion. “If you were a Marxist then, you were a Soviet sympathizer. You were a traitor to our country,” Beck noted of the Stalinist era. “You’ve got to put that into perspective.” Nevertheless, leftists are apoplectic (appalled) about the content of Beck’s program, while conservative organizations like The John Birch Society have trumpeted this first salvo in the mainstream media to resurrect the legacy of America’s most famous anti- communist Senator.


The Vindication of  Senator Joseph McCarthy

Today as relevant as in his day—

“How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men HIGH in our government are concentrating to DELIVER US TO DISASTER?”

Senator Joseph R. McCarthy

Fifty-four years after his death, Senator Joseph McCarthy still is making news—and still is hated by the Left, smeared by the controlled news media and revered by Americans in the know.…

Pat Buchanan: Of ‘Treason” and Tailgunner Joe

America’s young should ask themselves: If Joe McCarthy was such a monster, why did Joe Kennedy back him, the Kennedy girls date him, Robert Kennedy work for him and JFK defend him as a ‘great patriot’ in his year of censure? And why was McCarthy asked to be the godfather to Bobby Kennedy’s firstborn?”

McCarthy’s “witches”

Witch-hunt? The high-profile cases cited by McCarthy — Owen Lattimore, John Stewart Service, and Philip C. Jessup — all ended with the senator’s charges being validated.”

Revisionist critics misrepresent McCarthy’s legacy

Harry Truman dropped atomic bombs on two defenseless cities of a prostrate nation and sent 2 million Russian prisoners back to Stalin to be murdered in Operation Keelhaul. Yet Truman remains a hero to those who despise McCarthy with an undying hatred.”  “If the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy had been wrong about Communist infiltration in the 1950’s, wouldn’t he have been refuted and forgotten? Instead, 50 years later, media connected to bankers and their allies continue to vilify him, indicating that he struck a nerve.”  

The hidden truth about Joseph McCarthy

McCarthy’s enemies—supposed champions of civil liberties—tapped his phone, intercepted his incoming personal mail, placed a paid spy in his office, and illegally released his tax returns to the press (resulting in a large refund!).”

McCarthyism: Forty questions and answers about Senator Joseph McCarthy

  1. So, was McCarthy right or wrong about the State Department?

    A.He was right. Of the 110 names that McCarthy gave to the Tydings Committee to be investigated, 62 of them were employed by the State Department at the time of the hearings. The committee cleared everyone on McCarthy’s list,but within a year the State Department started proceedings against 49 of the 62. By the end of 1954, 81 of those on McCarthy’s list had left the government either by dismissal or resignation. 

McCarthyism: no longer a dirty word

The deciphered Venona cables confirm that the American Communist Party successfully established secret caucuses in government agencies throughout the 1930’s and 1940’s. They prove that 349 Americans had covert ties to Soviet intelligence – much as McCarthy had charged.”

Venona Project From the official National Security Agency websiteThe Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors Read excerpts from this book on the Communist infiltration and subversion.

Book reviews: Venona and The Haunted Wood

Venona, the product of two American historians, and The Haunted Wood, a collaboration of an American historian and a Russian KGB operative–turned–journalist, provide crushingly authoritative answers to questions that have lingered since the days when the charges and countercharges hurled by ex–Communists and alleged Communists riveted the nation’s attention. How prevalent was the treason committed by Americans on behalf of Stalinist-Communist totalitarianism? How pervasive was Communist influence in American government? Above all, who told the truth and who lied?”

McCarthy and his colleagues

Joe McCarthy has made a real and lasting contribution toward the preservation and perpetuation of the free world in his fight against the menace of internal communist subversion. His death was as much as that of a soldier fighting in the ranks for human liberty and eternal truth as if it had occurred on the field of battle and been inflicted by bullet, bayonet, or shell….”  

America’s Retreat from Victory

The general picture of our steady, constant retreat from victory, with the same men always found at the time and place where disaster strikes America and success comes to Soviet Russia, would inevitably have caused me, or someone else deeply concerned with the history of this time, to document the acts of those molding and shaping the history of the world over the past decade.” (The first four chapters of McCarthy’s important book outlining foreign policy betrayal during and immediately after World War II.)


McCarthyismThe Fight for America by Joe McCarthy

MCCARTYISM. THE FIGHT FOR AMERICA. Documented answers to questions asked by friend and foe by. SENATOR JOE McCARTHY. THE DEVIN-ADAIR 


Joseph McCarthy speaks in 1954 to the Chicago Irish Fellowship Society (Audio file) A brief (12 minutes) but powerful talk on the fight against treason. The late, great senator in fine form.

“This fight is going to go on…!”

How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men high in this Government are concerting to deliver us to disasterThis must be the product of a great conspiracy, a conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man. A conspiracy of infamy so black that, when it is finally exposed, its principals shall be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest men.


I say that under the shadow of the most horrible and destructive weapons that man has ever devised, we fight to save our country, our homes, our churches, and our children. To this cause, ladies and gentlemen, I have dedicated and will continue to dedicate all that I have and all that I am. And I want to assure you that I will not be deterred by the attacks of the Murrows, the Lattimores, the Fosters, the Daily Worker, or the Communist Party itself.

Now I make no claim to leadership. In complete humility, I do ask you and every American who loves this country to join with me.

–Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy

Because most of the adult generation of the 1950’s refused to join and support Senator Joseph McCarthy in his historical and epic battle against communism, our generation will pay for it in death, blood, and, destruction.

Communist Russia and Communist China, along with other Communist nations, will very soon, under the banner of the Communist controlled United Nations, invade our beloved country, the United States of America as United Nations “Peace Keepers“.

Do not put your faith in “the arm of flesh“, but in Jesus Christ, our Law Giver and Savior.


A Truth that disheartens,

because it is true,

is of far more value, 

than the most stimulating of falsehoods”


Comment (1)

  1. Bill Moore


    I thought that McCarthy was correct when he was actively pursuing Communists.

    Bill Moore

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