Image Purportedly Showing Trumps with Stormy Daniels was Digitally Altered
Image via Michael Candelori /
A new photo of the Trumps is blowing up the internet but there is one small problem.
According to fact checking website Snopes, the picture you see below was actually digitally altered and never happened.
The Picture
The picture in question shows a pregnant Melania and President Trump entering a gala with Stormy Daniels in tow.
Stormy Daniels, if you don’t already know, is the porn star claiming to have had an affair with President Trump.
Several versions of this photo have been making the rounds, all with text taking shots at the President and implying Stormy, Melania, and the President were all best buds during the time of the alleged affair.
As Snopes found out after seeing the pictures swarm the internet, they are nothing more than a leftist attempt to make Melania Trump look bad.
The original picture of Trump and Melania arriving at the International Night of Stars in 2005 actually had Ivanka on Melania’s left, not Stormy Daniels.
The picture of Stormy Daniels was not even from the same event, but rather Stormy arriving at the AVN Awards in 2006.

Photo via Snopes
Left Sinks to New Lows
This picture is just yet another attempt by the insane left in this country to take a shot at a woman that has been nothing by classy since arriving in Washington.
She was thrust into the role of being First Lady and while not being comfortable, at least initially, she has performed her duties with dignity.
It is also worth pointing out liberals claim they are for women’s rights and saluting women in power, yet they continue to try to take hits at virtually every conservative woman in the news.
It’s amazing to me to see these gutter trash whores and their “profession” talked about as if what they do is some sort of legitimate life profession or business. The Talmudic filth of this kind of “news” is over the top from the mountain I’m sitting on.