Millions live and die and never know that their lives are regulated by unseen authority. Every detail of our lives is prescribed. Doctors, lawyers, Indians or chiefs, we are regimented into the system.

What is the system? It is the totality of laws, regulations, social pressures and morality which regulate our lives, including our very thoughts.

Some call the system democracy. Some call the system Americanism. Most believe that we are free and that our freedom evolved from the Constitution.

Our lives are an expression of the confluence (the blending of influences) of the establishment. We do not feel or see the regimentation and the bridled force that programs our lives to produce for the system which George Orwell called “Big Brother.” We unconsciously give our minds and bodies to the system.

We literally give our labor for numbers on pieces of paper that some influence told us was money. Through force and regulation, these numbers imply confidence that we can exchange for bread. The illusion is compounded when we are forced to return some of the numbers to government as “taxes.” Yes, we live and die with abstract numbers which the system has taught us is money. But the system has not taught us or revealed to us that the system created these numbers. They cost the system nothing.

These numbers that we sell our bodies and souls for is the heartbeat of the system. No one dare inquire into the source of these numbers. The fraud and deceit is too big to discuss, too powerful to challenge, and too incredible to imagine. The system has omitted any challenge to itself.

What is the force that cements the system? It is police power.

Government is police power. Government by definition, by nature, by history and by practical existence is police power. Government would not and could not exist without police power. When governments lose their police power, they collapse.

Every act of government and its politicians is motivated by its police power. Government police power is awesome, and it is a hush-hush subject.

Let’s go to Black’s Law Dictionary. “Police power is the power of the state to place restraints on the personal freedom and property rights of persons for the protection of the public safety, health and morals or the promotion of the public convenience and general prosperity. The police power is subject to limitations of the federal and state constitutions, and especially to the requirements of due process. Police power is the exercise of the sovereign right of a government to promote order, safety, security, health, morals and general welfare within constitutional limits and is an essential attribute of government.” Marshall v. Kansas City, MO. 355 SW 2nd 877,883.

Public Policy: What is public policy? The term “public policy” is a very innocent and disarming term which in reality is the very opposite of the public impression. Public policy is the system in writing and practice.

Public policy is actually the police power in action. It is the manifestation of police power — the implementation of government force. Back to Black’s Law Dictionary on public policy; “That principle of the law which holds that no subject (that’s you) can lawfully do that which has a tendency to be injurious to the public or against the public good. The principles under which the freedom of contract or private dealings is restricted by law for the good of the community. The term ‘policy,’ as applied to a statute, regulation, rule of law, course of action, or the like, refers to its probable effect, tendency, or object considered with reference to the social or political well-being of the state…”

There you have it — a police state. Do not be deceived by mention in Black’s Law Dictionary definition “to limitations of the federal and state constitutions…” Police power is not limited and does not come about by due process but by usurpation and wrongful seizure of your mind, your body and your wealth through deception.

If you read this Black’s Law Dictionary definition closely, you will see that the interest of the state in all matters prevails over you, the individual.

When politicians and bureaucrats talk about democracy and public policy, they speak with a forked tongue. They want you to believe that these terms refer to personal liberty. They do not, and the politician knows that they do not. They know that they refer to the police power and enforcement of state authority over the individual. They are code words for government force.

“Government is not reason; it’s not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it’s a dangerous servant and a fearful master…” George Washington.

Police power is physical force. If you fail to file and pay your income tax, you will be introduced to the police power of the government. (I use the terms “pay” and “income tax” in the vernacular, not in the monetary realism sense as we have discussed in the past.)

But police power limited to physical force and intimidation can be overthrown even by citizens who have no guns. To limit our definition of police power to physical force would indeed make this discussion as frivolous and childish as “Ned in the First Reader.”

Police power goes far beyond the definition given above from Black’s Law Dictionary. We speak of the subtle and hidden power of government to persuade the public mind. Government persuasion is the indoctrination of the individual through his church, his public school, through his fraternities and the media to sacrifice his person, his individuality and his property for the “greater good” of the group. Group is translated government authority.

Once we yield our minds to government force under the pretense of “the greater good” or “the national interest,” there is no need to concern ourselves with “the right to bear arms.”

In our high school and college history classes we learned about the abolition of slavery in America. However, we learned nothing about the nationalization of slavery with police power as outlined above. Statutory freedom shackled with mental marriage to the beast is a study in the pathology of the public mind. This means that we are given certain freedoms by way of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights on one hand and brainwashed into servitude on the other.

Police power is sovereignty of the state over mind, body and soul. To believe otherwise is to live by illusion.

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

Comment (1)

  1. Jenny Goddard

    Absolutely Excellent, kept it and saved it and posted on FB with credit to Pat Shannon

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