Now it has been exposed that the Center for Disease Control, the so-called “authority” on the subject of safe medicines, has been a longtime dispenser of the suspect vaccines.
‘Big Pharma’ is also responsible for the wholesale, mass propaganda affecting not just the layman, but even medical personnel – from the highest-paid professor of medicine to the lowliest trainee nurse. It is this propaganda which implants the seemingly now ‘received wisdom’ that cure is better than prevention and illness and disease can only be effectively treated by artificially manufactured petrochemical, pharmaceutical products (which they are of course, very happy to supply at grossly inflated prices), rather than natural foodstuffs and a healthy diet. Unfortunately there are no vast profits to be made in the prevention of disease by proper nutrition and nor would a happy, healthy population be in their best interests. Vitamins and mineral supplements and other ‘natural’ and dietary remedies are under such severe attack by these organisations and their lackeys, that we are now seeing them increasingly being made illegal or legislated against as ‘untested’ or ‘un-approved drugs’ via organisations such as the Codex Alimentarius committee and the aforementioned FDA. It can even be shown from readily available evidence that indeed, Big Pharma is actually responsible for ‘inventing’ many new diseases simply in order to profit from their ‘cures’. Impossible you say? It is not only possible, but provably true. (from our British colleague, John Hamer, published in 2014.)
CDC is a vaccine company, owns 56 vaccines – a grave conflict of interest
Thursday, February 16, 2017 by: Tracey Watson
Tags: CDC, conflict of interest, mercury, Robert De Niro, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Thimerosal, vaccines

(Natural News) Two recent events have forced a glaring spotlight on the $30 billion a year vaccine industry: First, President Donald Trump announced a plan to establish a commission chaired by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK) to investigate vaccine safety and scientific integrity. The second, again featuring RFK, is when he and actor Robert De Niro announced a $100,000 reward to any scientist (or anyone else) who could conclusively prove the safety of mercury (in the form thimerosal) in vaccines.
Both events have unleashed a veritable storm of fury from the mainstream media, many of whom label both De Niro and RFK “vaccine skeptics” or “anti-vaccine,” despite the men’s repeated objections and insistence that they are pro-vaccine and dutifully had all their children vaccinated. Their very specific concern is the volume of vaccines being added to the CDC’s childhood immunization schedule, and the presence of mercury in many of those vaccines. (RELATED: Keep up with the latest in the debate on mercury in vaccines at
The CDC determines the immunization schedule, and failure to comply with it means children can be refused admittance to public schools. And that schedule certainly merits closer scrutiny. The agency has doubled the number of required vaccines since the mid-1980s, with nearly 40 doses now required before the age of two years. Coincidentally – or so the CDC would have you believe – autism numbers have increased 10-fold since the 1980s, and asthma has more than doubled in the same period.
While the media has busily been defending the vaccine industry, labeling all who question it as “anti-science” and a risk to public health, they have managed to avoid broadcasting a glaring conflict of interest that should have made headlines worldwide: The CDC’s own cozy relationship with and direct involvement in the vaccine industry. (What has the CDC been hiding? Find out at
The CDC proudly claims the following about its own Immunization Safety Office: “Sound immunization policies affecting children and adults in the U.S. depend on continuous monitoring of the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. CDC uses many strategies to assess vaccine safety, to identify health problems possibly related to vaccines, and to conduct studies that help determine whether a health problem is caused by a specific vaccine. CDC also works with other federal government agencies and other stakeholders to determine the appropriate public health response to vaccine safety concerns and to communicate the benefits and risks of vaccines.” [Emphasis added]
Were any of this true, it would mean that the CDC would have to be 100 percent divorced from the industry which it is policing, yet this is not the case.
The media has consistently derided RFK for his claim that the CDC holds patents on over 20 vaccines. In an independent effort to confirm or refute this allegation, Ginger Taylor of Green Med Info recently asked a friend, Mark Blaxill, an Intellectual Property expert, to determine just exactly how many such patents the CDC does in fact own.
To everybody’s shock, Blaxill found not 20, but 57 patents granted to the CDC. Since one of the patents did not seem to be directly applicable to a vaccine, the official number was reduced to 56, and included patents on vaccines for: flu, rotavirus, Hepatitis A, Pneumococcal disease, gastroenteritis, SARS, and interestingly enough, a vaccine to be used for Zika, among many, many others.
This is the ultimate example of appointing the fox to guard the hen house. How could anyone ever trust the CDC to genuinely assess the safety of a vaccine, considering it costs half a billion dollars to develop one, and they clearly have a vested financial interest in getting these shots to market?
Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center, summed it up perfectly when she said, “The CDC has a very hard time investigating in an unbiased way what is happening to our children because of ideological and financial conflicts of interest.”
It is time that the mainstream media stops dutifully parroting whatever information it is fed by the CDC and the vaccine industry, and starts holding them accountable for the damage they have inflicted and continue to inflict on our children.
Sources for this article include: