Mike King of The Anti-New York Times Internet publication shows many more details about Justice Scalia’s death that the CMM has continued to ignore and suppress.

NY Times: After Antonin Scalia’s Death, Fierce Battle Lines Emerge
NY Times: Scalia’s Absence Is Likely to Alter Court’s Major Decisions This Term
NY Times: With Death of Antonin Scalia, an Already Volatile Campaign Erupts
In examining the post-Scalia-death mania which continues to dominate the front pages of Sulzberger’s Slimes, we can’t help but notice the conspicuous absence of two elements that should be part of this wall-to-wall coverage: 1- There is not a trace, neither in the featured stories nor in the Editorial pages, of the sympathetic coverage that the Slimes always affords to the memory of recently-deceased libtards, Marxists and other assorted degenerates of every stripe. The entire tone of the superficial stories these past two days has been like: “Hey! Scalia died. Who is gonna replace him? What does this mean for liberals? For conservatives? Will the Republicans block the new nominee? How will this impact the election? Blah blah blah.” Cold-hearted bastards! Couldn’t they at least fake a few moderately respectful words about Scalia the man, the father of nine and grandfather of twenty-eight? 2- More importantly, there has not appeared a single sentence in the Slimes about neither the strange circumstances and inconsistencies regarding the official story, nor the explosive comments made by William O. Ritchie, a former head of criminal investigations in Washington DC. Ritchie wrote on his Facebook page: “My gut tells me there is something fishy going on in Texas. As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia. You have a Supreme Court Justice who died, not in attendance of a physician. You have a non-homicide trained US Marshal tell the justice of peace that no foul play was observed. You have a justice of the peace pronounce death while not being on the scene and without any medical training opining that the justice died of a heart attack. What medical proof exists of a myocardial Infarction? Why not a cerebral hemorrhage?” Ritchie also questioned the marshals’ actions: “How can the Marshal say, without a thorough post mortem, that he was not injected with an illegal substance that would simulate a heart attack… Did the US Marshal check for petechial hemorrhage in his eyes or under his lips that would have suggested suffocation? Did the US Marshal smell his breath for any unusual odor that might suggest poisoning?”
1- The isolated Texas resort spans 30,000 acres. Scalia was alone without protection. 2- Scalia was killed in the appropriately-named “El Presidente” Suite. Obongo’s — or his handler’s — idea of a sick joke, perhaps? . We at The Anti-New York Times share Mr. Ritchie’s suspicions and frustrations. Let us review some damning data surrounding a few of the shady characters involved in this fishy drama — characters that the Slimes, the “conservative” media, and the gutless Republican’tswill not question. 1- John Poindexter, a multi-millionaire Obama-supporter with past high level Wall Street ties, owns the secluded West Texas resort where Scalia died. In 2009, Poindexter actually received a Vietnam War medal from Obama — 40 years after the fact. It was Poindexter who invited Scalia to his ranch for a private party, and who later “discovered” the body. (here) 2- Cinderella Guevara is the Justice of the Peace who refused to order an autopsy and pronounced Scalia’s cause of death as a “heart attack” (since changed to “natural causes”) —over the phone. Guevara is a liberal Mexican-American Democrat with a chip-on-her-shoulders against what she refers to as “Anglos”. Like Obongo in 2008, Guevara’s 2014 campaign slogan was “Si, se puede” — Spanish for “Yes We Can! (here) Like Poindexter, she is also also an Army veteran. 3- Danny Dominguez is the Sherriff of Presidio County who, along with Obama’s U.S. Marshals, initiated the official inquest by calling Judge Guevara and telling her that there “were no signs of foul play”. He is also a liberal Mexican-American Democrat whose virtually crime-free county has been receiving big bucks from Obongo in recent years.
EL PASO – Presidio County has never seen the kind of fictional carnage that was filmed there for the movie, “No Country for Old Men.” But if it ever does, Sheriff Danny Dominguez now has the gear to fight it, thanks to millions of dollars in state and federal grants for his virtually crime-free turf and that of other sleepy Texas border counties. The first batch of the $16.2 million awarded, more than $5 million, was given in 2005 to a loose coalition of sheriffs who split the take evenly, regardless of crime rates. The rest was given out in grants to several counties. And several million dollars more are in the pipeline. Presidio County, whose sheriff and four deputies cover 3,856 square miles of West Texas and protect about 1,000 people, received $336,875 to fight the one crime, an aggravated assault, that occurred in the county in 2006. But in the Rio Grande Valley’s urban Hidalgo County, across the river from the sites of several deadly Mexican shootouts, got about the same amount, spread over three years, for its more than 250 deputies to fight 7,160 violent crimes. “I expressed my displeasure at the time,” Sheriff Lupe Trevino said. “But that’s the way it goes. We used the money the best way we could and you do what you have to.”
1- Big Shot Poindexter, a big money Democrat decorated by Obongo, lured Scalia to his secluded ranch. (here) 2- Sheriff Dominguez — his crime-free jurisdiction was strangely showered with crime-fighting cash by the Obongo Administration. 3- Democrat Judge Guevara slogan: “Si se puede!” —We don’t need no stinkin’ autopsy!
Now that we have sniffed them out, these fishy morsel pieces are too easy to put together. Let my own previous caution be damned — Sugar the Cat was right again! Antonin Scalia, the man so hated by the open-borders crowd and other assorted Marxists, was (in our opinion)deliberately lured to, murdered on, and oh-so-quickly embalmed in a funeral home on enemy political turf — located just miles from the Mexican border. This is bad, really bad. America — we’ve got problems!
Step into my parlor said Spider Poindexter to the fly. — Dear Justice Scalia! What were you thinking man? You may just as well have driven down to Mexico City all by yourself. |