Didja’ Never Hear of False Flags?
Isn’t it strange that the controllers of the suicidal Muslim bogeyman-of-the-year groups have yet to figure out that they can easily take out as many western leaders as they want to?
But they haven’t even attempted! Why is that? — Answer: Because, unlike suicidal true-believing Red terrorists of the past; “Suicidal Muslim Terrorists” do not exist!
The NWO leaders have nothing to fear from a fictional group whose script they wrote themselves!
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![]() By Mike King
Imagine that you are the head of a vast international terrorist network. At your disposal are hundreds of fanatics, including women, who are willing to blow themselves up in suicide attacks. Just do a Google Search of the term “suicide bomber” and see how many of these attacks are alleged to have taken place over the past 30 years — most notably the 9/11 attacks, in which 19 young “terrorist hijackers” with boxcutters allegedly gave up their lives for the cause, all at the same time (rolling eyes, smirking).
With a never-ending supply of such unstoppable human weaponry at your disposal, wouldn’t you, as the head of “Al Qaeda” — “Al Nusra” — “ISIS” — “ISIL” — “Khorasan” — “Boku Haram” — or pick your favorite “jihadist” bunch of bogeymen of the month — want to take out the western political big shots that you profess to hate so much? Think about it; a suicide bomber or suicide shooter can get to anybody. No Prime Minister, no President, no Senator, no Congressman, no Parliamentarian, no King, no Pope, no Secretary of State or Foreign Minister would be safe from a suicidal fanatic who cares not if he gets killed or is captured on the spot. And yet: thankfully, this has not happened. Why not?
Case in point: the assassination of U.S. President William McKinley by a Red fanatic named Leon Czolgosz in 1901. That was a suicide attack that no bodyguard could have stopped. We say “suicide” because surely, Czolgosz must have known that he would be apprehended after shooting McKinley from up close in a crowded setting. Czolgoszshot McKinley in September. He fried in the Electric Chair in October.
The “suicide shooter” Czolgosz brought a mighty nation to mourning and anger. But he was neither the first nor the last such Red agent to shock the world. Czolgosz admitted that the inspiration for his crime (referred to by Reds as “The Propaganda of the Deed”) was another suicide assassination that had taken just one year earlier — the murder of King Umberto I of Italy at the hands of Anarchist Gaetano Bresci.
1- Bresci: “I killed the King for the sake of the common man.”
2- Czolgosz: “I killed the President because he was the enemy of the good people – the good working people. I am not sorry for my crime.”
Red suicide assassination attacks neither began nor ended with the 1900 & 1901 killings of Umberto and McKinley. Controlled “Nationalist” fanatics also carried out suicide assassinations. If the following limited list proves surprising to you, just imagine how much these shocking events must have rattled the world, from high to low, during the many decades where such suicidal attacks were routine.
Year: 1853
Target: Emperor Franz Joseph (Austria)
Attacker: Janos Libenyi (Nationalist)
Weapon: Knife
Result: Emperor survives
Assassin’s Fate: Killed on the spot
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Year: 1866
Target: Czar Alexander II (Russia)
Red Suicide Attacker: Dmitry Karakozov
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Missed shot
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
Year: 1874
Target: Chancellor Bismarck (Germany)
Red Suicide Attacker: Eduard Kullman
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Bismarck wounded in the hand
Assassin’s Fate: Died after 14 years in prison
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Year: May, 1878
Target: Kaiser Wilhelm (Germany)
Red Suicide Attacker: Emil Max Hodel
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Missed shot
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
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Year: June, 1878
Target: Kaiser Wilhelm
Red Suicide Attacker: Karl Nobiling
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Emperor is wounded, but lives
Assassin’s Fate: Suicide by gunshot
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Year: April, 1879
Target: Czar Alexander II (Russia)
Red Suicide Attacker: Alexander Soloviev
Weapon: Pistol, fired 5 times at fleeing Czar
Result: Missed shots
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
Year: February, 1880
Target: Czar Alexander II
Red Suicide Attacker: Stephan Khalturin
Weapon: Detonated Bomb
Result: 11 Killed, Czar survives
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
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Year: 1881
Target: Czar Alexander II
Red Suicide Attackers: ‘People’s Will’
Weapon: Ambush with Hurled Bombs
Result: Czar is killed!
Assassins’ Fate: Executions
Year: 1881
Target: President James Garfield (USA)
Suicide Attacker: Charles Guiteau
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Garfield dies weeks later
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
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Year: 1894
Target: President Carnot (France)
Red Suicide Attacker: Geronimo Caserio
Weapon: Knife
Result: Carnot dies
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
Year: 1897
Target: Prime Minister Canovas (Spain)
Red Suicide Attacker: Michelle Angiolillo
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Canovas dies
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
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Year: 1898
Target: Empress Elizabeth (Austria)
Red Suicide Attacker: Luigi Lucheni
Weapon: Knife
Result: Elizabeth dies
Assassin’s Fate: Committed suicide in prison
Year: 1900
Target: King Umberto (Italy)
Red Suicide Attacker: Gaetano Bresci
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Umberto dies
Assassin’s Fate: Died in prison (suicide or killed)
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Year: 1901
Target: President McKinley (USA)
Red Suicide Attacker: Leon Czolgosz
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: McKinley dies
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
Year: 1905
Target: Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (Russia)
Red Suicide Attacker: Ivan Kalyayev
Weapon: Hurled Bomb
Result: Sergei dies
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
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Year: 1906
Targets: King Alphonso & Wife Victoria Eugenia (Spain)
Red Suicide Attacker: Mateu Morral Roca
Weapon: Hurled bomb concealed in wedding day boquet of flowers
Result: Bystanders killed, King & Queen survive
Assassin’s Fate: Suicide by gunshot
Year: 1908
Targets: King Carlos & Prince Felipe (Portugal)
Suicide Attackers: Alfredo Costa, Manuel Buica
Weapon: Rifles at close range
Result: King and Prince both die
Assassins’ Fate: Killed on the Spot
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Year: 1911
Target: Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin (Russia)
Red Suicide Attacker: Dmitri Bogrov
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Stolypin dies
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
Year: 1912
Target: Prime Minister Jose Canalejas (Spain)
Red Suicide Attacker: Manuel Pardinas
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Canalejas dies
Assassin’s Fate: Suicide by Gun Shot
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Year: 1914
Target: Duke Francis Ferdinand & Wife Sophie (Austria-Hungary)
Nationalist Suicide Attacker: Gavrilo Princip
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Ferdinand & Sophie die, World War I to follow
Assassin’s Fate: Died in prison
Year: 1921
Target: Prime Minister Eduardo Dato (Spain)
Red Suicide Attackers: Nicolau, Mateu, Casanelles
Weapon: Driveby shooting
Result: Prime Minister dies
Assassins’ Fate: Executed
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Year: 1922
Target: President Alexandre Millerand (France)
Red Suicide Attacker: Gustave Bouvet
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Shots Missed
Assassin’s Fate: Saved from angry crowd, went to prison
Year: 1933
Target: Mayor Anton Cermak (Chicago)
Red Suicide Attacker: Giueseppe Zangara
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Cermak dies
Assassin’s Fate: Executed
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Year: 1935
Target: Senator Huey Long (Louisiana)
Suicide Attacker: Carl Weiss
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: Long dies
Assassin’s Fate: Shot dead on the spot
Year: 1936
Target: Swiss NSDAP Leader Wilhelm Gustloff
Jewish Attacker: David Frankfurter
Weapon: Pistol at close range, in Gustloff’s home
Result: Gustloff dies
Assassin’s Fate: Prison, Released after WW 2
Year: 1938
Target: Paris-based German Diplomat Ernst vom Rath
Jewish Attacker: Hershel Grynspan
Weapon: Pistol at close range
Result: vom Rath dies, “kristallnacht’ in Germany
Assassin’s Fate: Imprisoned, Released after WW 2
As you might imagine, this wave of self-sacrificing suicide killings and near-killings rocked the foundations of Europe (and even America) to their core. There were also many lesser known personages who were killed or wounded in such brazen suicide attacks. No one, no matter how big or how well-protected, was immune to death at the hands of a controlled suicidal Red or controlled suicidal “Nationalist”. These murderous psychos, unwittingly acting on behalf of their unseen NWO superiors, literally changed the course of world history. It’s all spelled out in ‘PLANET ROTHSCHILD‘. Isn’t it strange that the controllers of the suicidal Muslim bogeyman-of-the-year groups have yet to figure out that they can easily take out as many western leaders as they want to? Think about it! Presidents, Parliamentarians and Prime Ministers appear before large crowds on a regular basis — often shaking hands and kissing babies as their bodyguards stand by. No matter how vigilant, these guards would be very hard-pressed to stop a demented and determined suicide shooter, as the near-assassination of President Reagan in 1981 demonstrated.
John Hinckley came within an inch of killing a heavily guarded U.S. President —but suicidal “Islamic Terrorists” are too stupid to figure out this vulnerability???
* Just 6 years earlier (1975), President Gerald Ford survived two self-sacrificing assassination attempts, just 3 weeks apart, and both carried out in broad daylight. In each case, a female shooter was arrested on the spot. (here)
With the nanotechnology of today’s explosives, one would think that one of these hundreds of “suicide bombers” would have been enlisted to chuck a Golf Ball bomb at some western big-shot, or even a not-so-big-shot by now. Or bum-rushed a politician while detonating a ‘suicide belt’ — or fired a rifle at one from close range. But they haven’t even attempted! Why is that? — Answer: Because, unlike suicidal true-believing Red terrorists of the past; “Suicidal Muslim Terrorists” do not exist! The manufactured monster of “Islamic Terror” is the stuff of complete fables — a useful Orwellian tool to achieve various geo-strategic and domestic ends. “Islamic Terror”consists solely of clandestine Intelligence operatives (dressed in laughable Ninja pajamas and orange jumpsuits) and well paid mercenaries controlled by the very same shadow government whose wholly-owned politicians are safe from “suicide assassins” who only kill ordinary people. And, of course, the CIA-Mossad news-media is 100% “in on it” as well.
It’s all BULL-SHINE, folks! Just tune it out and read PLANET ROTHSCHILD. |