Ed. Note: Craig has been a friend for nearly 20 years since we became allied in the fight against official government lies following the OKC bombing hoax. He had shared his story with me when we roomed together at one of the JFK conferences in Dallas around 2000, but I am delighted now to see him putting it in print for the world. See our fantasy follow-up plans at the bottom, after you have read of his head-on confrontation with AMA ignorance.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Craig Roberts <centurion007@fairpoint.net>
Date: Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 7:51 PM
Subject: When dealing with cancer
To a man who was told he had 90 days left before he dies of cancer. He needs all of our prayers, but the information should be passed on to anyone who is dealing with cancer.
Keep this information for friends and relatives who notify you they have cancer. OR keep it for your OWN reference IF God forbid, you have to fight the battle I did. Send to everyone you know so that they have the information that may just save their lives…unleash until God calls them home…..
Begin forwarded message:
From: Centurion007 <centurion007@fairpoint.net>
Subject: Hi Bob! Here’s the scoop
Date: August 6, 2014 at 4:45:52 PM CDT
Hi Bob,Great talking to you today! Like I said, doctors can only give an opinion, but they don’t know it all, or much of anything in the scope of the world knowledge.I retired from the Tulsa Police Department in March 1996 after 27 years. With my military service it put me over 30 years and that was the most we could draw, so it was a no brainer.Three months later I began having serious pains in my abdomen. When I went to the doc and they did tests it was determined that I had colon cancer. More tests, MRIs and Xrays showed it had metastisized and was Stage II. An operation was performed and they took out the right side of my colon and did a resection. I then was referred to an oncologist and chemo, which became a total hell for me. After three months of IVs of chemicals, I had dropped to 160 lbs, had no sense of taste, had memory problems, and was so weak I could barely stand. Then one night I collapsed on the floor of our bedroom and my wife had to call 911. I was rushed to the hospital and once in the emergency room was told I would not make it through the night. I was bleeding internally and since I was type A- blood, which is rare, they did not have much and would have to switch to type O (probably why I like BBQ ribs and Watermelon so much now!).When they began to insert a breathing tube I faded out. I was later told I flat lined.I immediately found myself in a cool, dark, comfortable room. That my previous life meant nothing to me. It was like I had gone through a door and left this existence behind me. But I was not alone.I felt great. I felt like I was 23 years old and in perfect health! I felt like I had a body, but when I looked down I didn’t see one. And behind me I knew was my Guardian Angel, who had been with me every day of my life! He communicated directly with me in my mind and said that it was being decided whether to send me on, or send me back. If I had more to do in this life, I would be sent back. If not, then I would progress on to what we now refer to as Heaven. (I also was told that another decision would open up a pit in front of me and I would be cast into it for eternity. I knew immediately that meant Hell).I don’t remember all the things that he told me, but I remember that I would know who and when I should talk to and what I should say. I’ve since determined that one thing was to work with others who were cancer patients, and with those others out there who needed to find the Lord and KNOW that Heaven and Hell exist, and God is real! (And I know I can only be a messenger and not force anyone to believe the messages). As the Bible says, “A man is never a prophet in his own village.”
A calm came over me then, A warm feeling that I was going to not only make it, but prove him wrong because I was on the side of God, and he was NOT!I was then told to “GET OFF THE POISON AND TRUST GOD!” That to me meant the Chemo.I then opened my eyes and I was in ICU. It was 18 hours later! I thought it was like 3 minutes! Time meant nothing! The ICU nurses paged the doctor and when he arrived he could not believe that I had not only lived, but had good vital signs, blood pressure etc. He told me they lost me and I had flat lined for three minutes! But when they began to unhook the monitors and IVs they all of a sudden got a heartbeat!I had used 11 units of blood, and for some reason the hemorrhage in my stomach and throat had stopped bleeding!I was in the ICU for five days, and 7 days more in the cancer floor at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa. It’s all a matter of record. Then when I was sent home I had to go thru 30 days of physical rehab before I could walk and do anything on my own without assistance.A week later I was sent to the oncologist and he told me I had three more months of chemo to finish my “treatment”. I told him I would not be taking any more chemo, and he all of a sudden got a face like a demon and said “IF YOU DON’T TAKE MY CHEMO YOU WILL BE DEAD IN SIX MONTHS, AND NO ONE CAN DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!
I said “I’ll be around to (water) your grave, doc.” Then I got up and walked out.
THAT was August of 1997. I’m still cancer free today.
I did a lot of research and of all the material and books I’ve read, one stood out and I followed it. It is “A Cancer Battle Plan” by Anne Frahm. She had 5 types of cancer and through proper nutrition beat all of them for several years. It relies on non-processed food. Basically fresh vegetables and fruits, a lot of stuff made it a juice (she recommended the Champion blender/juicer, but we found that the Vitamix worked just as well and didn’t cost as much. We have both). It was easy for me to get down a “Smoothie” than to try and eat solids at the time. You will eat more green veggies, fresh fruits, fish, chicken, and very little or no red meats. Cancer cells love red meat.
As for supplements I’ll add the link to my web page at the end of this email.
Next, drink only ionized water. I bought a Jupiter Water Ionizer that hooks to the kitchen sink. When you run it the water becomes Alkaline. Your body loves Ionized water and cancer cell hate it. They can’t live in an alkaline environment. They are like plant cells and fungus cells that thrive only in a acidic environment. The Ionizers are not cheap, but they can mean the difference between winning and losing the battle. I’ll add some links for them as well.
Finally, the strongest weapon you have is Faith in God. Pray every day, and LISTEN in your heart for the answers. I won’t start preaching here, but remember what i told you about my grandfather who was the old country Primitive Baptist Preacher in east Tennessee when he was talking to me just before I shipped out to WestPac: “When the good Lord calls you home, no one can stop it, and if He ain’t ready, no one can rush it.”
In my Prayers,
Craig Roberts
Locust Grove, OklahomaEd. Note: Upon receiving this inspiring message, I immediately called Craig Roberts to get his permission to post it here. During our conversation, I asked if his condescending former doctor was still alive, and his reply was that he wasn’t sure, but when he had driven past the old clinic a coupla’ years ago, it was closed and vacant. The doc’s first name was Richard, Craig believes, but he was unsure of the spelling of the last name, Maybe Schildt or Schilt or Shilt. If anyone in the Tulsa area happens to know where to find this grave site, we may want to organize an “AMA Protest Watering” and will put out an invitation to the unorganized “Chemo-haters of America” to attend and participate.
vitamin_and_herb_list_for_ maximi.htm http://www.riflewarrior.com/a_
sniper_in_indian_country.htm Water ionizer: http://www.jupiterionizers.
com/AlkaViva-Venus–JP107_p_ 130.html One article on the effects on cancer: http://www.cancertutor.com/
ionizedwater/ A Cancer Battle Plan book : http://www.amazon.com/Cancer-
Battle-Plan-Anne-Frahm/dp/ 087477893X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books& ie=UTF8&qid=1407361398&sr=1-1& keywords=cancer+battle+plan+ by+anne+frahm (Also google the book title if needed).