August 2014 Musings


(Income Tax, Fair Tax, Flat Tax, Sand Tax — all equal = No Tax.)

Did you miss the 7-minute FED education in the July Musings? See it in the second site below. A more detailed explanation is the first one here, if you have the time, preferably before you proceed, because everything that follows here will relate directly or indirectly, positively or negatively to the info that is constantly suppressed by the trusted system.

historyContinuing the History Lesson

Please note that the nation’s founders made no provision for currency. Why would they do that? The new law already proscribed that No Thing but gold or silver coin was to be used as money. Paper currency was a banker’s invention for convenience because it not only relieved the depositor of the cumbersome burden of carrying around heavy coins but provided a warehouse protection for the real treasure. The banker accepted the coin on deposit and issued a receipt (note). As long as the notes could be redeemed for the lawful money (gold and silver coin), there was never any reason to doubt their authenticity, and people were comfortable with the convenience of using the notes – fallaciously known as “dollar bills” or just “dollars” – in everyday commerce.

However, the banksters began to realize that less than ten per cent of the lawful money (gold and silver coin) on deposit was ever redeemed by depositors because the paper notes were being used as money. So it didn’t take long before the 19th century banksters had one of ‘dem Aha moments.

With all that paper floating around in the market place, why not create a few spendable notes of our own? Who is ever to know any better? We need to remodel this building, and I could use a new (horse, carriage, summer home, jewelry for my wife or piece of land with a hunting lodge) for my own enjoyment. And the rash of money creation was born.

federal-reserve3By the turn of the 20th century, the original perpetrators were dead and gone, but the new generation of banksters found themselves in deep trouble. Too much un-backed paper had been created, and they knew that only a slight rumor of such a thing as a bank collapse could cause a “run on the bank,” which was nothing more than everyone fearfully demanding their money at once. If the bankster couldn’t deliver, it could mean he would be found hanging from a Main Street lamppost the next morning; and the banksters nationwide knew that they could not deliver. Hence, the birth of America’s first bankster bailout: the Federal Reserve System.

In 1913, the idea was first sold and then delivered far more deviously than any of the above-mentioned crimes of previous history. First the false flag of “The Panic of 1907” was created in order to place fear in the citizenry (sound familiar already?) that banks may not be a safe storehouse.

Of course, banks were still a safe storehouse for the lawful money, but the banksters were improvising a personal “CYA” (cover yourself) because of the excess amount of false claims they, themselves, had created against the real assets; knowing that time alone was prolonging the inevitable discovery of their crimes. Any “run on the bank” would be provoked by but one thing: the depositor’s fear that their Lawful Money would not be there when they demanded it. And why would it not be there? Only because the trusted managers of those assets had spent them away with counterfeit notes posing as “legal tender.”

So in 1910, as heard in the video lesson above, some of the richest and most powerful men in America posed a hunting trip, boarded a train under the guise of false names and traveled to Jekyll Island, Georgia and drew up the plans to capture the monetary world of banking and finance. Three years later, their Marxist plan was put in place with the surreptitious nighttime passing (with a slight but unknown number of senators voting) of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913. Most of the participants had already gone home for the Christmas holidays, and the official voting record seems to have been “deep-sixed” sometime shortly thereafter. Considering the timing and situation (and remembering the corruption surrounding the questionable passing of the 16th and 17th Amendments during the same year), we have to wonder if any senator at all was actually there or was the “passing” totally contrived by evil men on the side of the banksters – and must wonder as well whether there was even a senatorial vote at all.

Nevertheless, America’s new central bank (straight out of the Communist Manifesto and flying in the lawful face of Art I, Sec. 8 & 10) was established under the deceptive name of the “Federal Reserve System.”

federal-reserve-printing-pressIn early 1914, the first Federal Reserve Bank opened with the promise to the people that no paper notes would ever be issued without 100% backing by gold and silver in reserve. It was another government and media-protected lie and the first official one from the FED. There was never more than 40% backing of gold and silver on deposit for issuance of the paper “dollars” from the start.

From then on, nothing changed except the faces of the deceivers, and the creation of counterfeit paper and credit multiplied in the 1960s to the same crisis level of before. This caused the need to also corrupt the silver coin into a reasonable facsimile, and that was done by replacing the 90% silver dimes, quarters and halves with lookalike slugs of near-worthless intrinsic value. Then, the nation had only a mock monetary policy circulating imaginary money.

Since 1965, it has been only these counterfeit coins circulating along with the counterfeit notes. The new bogus “notes” were issued in late 1963 and circulated alongside the lawful, redeemable[1] notes until the bank’s windows slammed shut on June 24, 1968. The reneging fix was in, and from that day to this one, all anyone could get for his one dollar note was 100 copper-coated pennies, 10 zinc dimes, 4 slug quarters, 2 phony half dollars, one allegedly “silver dollar” with no silver, another non-redeemable, paper “dollar,” or a deposit credit into a bank account using the same Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Devices.

[1] Today the paper “dollars” say, “This note is legal tender for all debts public and private,” but the wording that made the paper notes worth something used to be: “This note is legal tender for all debts public and private and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury or at any Federal Reserve Bank.” [Emp. Added]

The compounding dire conditions, produced by more than a half century of created inflation, climaxed in 1971 when France, in response to the obvious evidence that the USA was printing far more paper than it had in lawful money to stand behind it, asked for its gold back. President Nixon refused with: “I have directed Secretary Connolly to suspend, temporarily, the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets . . .” which amounted to pure robbery with all of the world’s nations that had trusted the U.S. with its gold. And of course, it was no more “temporary” than the earlier door-slamming on U. S.’s own citizens on June 24, 1968, when we were denied forever the same lawful exchange of our paper Federal Reserve notes for silver coin.

So with that in mind, let us return to last month’s question of whether or not the taxing back of such a worthless substance in a bogus money system can fund anything.

Here we see little Benny Bernanke sitting beside his sandbox. Imagine it is 1968, Benny is in the fifth grade and already knows more about theft, deception and banking fraud than most deluded, government-trusting Americans will ever discover. In fact, at age ten, he has already managed to take it over. After all the lawful money disappeared down the rabbit hole, Lil’ Benny had the EPA ban all the sand on all the American beaches by declaring it to be the 13th to fit into the “12-S” danger to the health of seagulls, shrimp, scallops, salmon, scorpions, sardines, sea bass, sailfish, stingrays, sharks, snappers and snails.”

Then he had his sand officially designated as “The Money of Account of the United States.”

Thereafter, anyone caught using anything else as money, other than his sand from his sandbox, would be indicted, tried and (undoubtedly) convicted for counterfeiting, fraud, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and anything else anywhere near applicable. That is except Lil’ Benny. His sandbox is the only one that is allowed the periodic dump truck deliveries of more sand whenever needed.

But nobody noticed all the deceptive subterfuge at the time, because if Americans could buy groceries and everything else with this sand, now recognized as money, what difference did it make? After all, if the U. S. government okayed it, there certainly could be no problem.

And Lil’ Benny continued to dispense his sand as money, while everyone was content. After all, the marketplace was accepting it, so who cared what was used as money? And in this brief fairy tale (not really much more of a credulity stretch than the one from real life), America began to use sand – but only that from Lil’ Benny’s sandbox – as the money of account of the United States. One grain of sand = one dollar of purchasing power.

And sure enough, nobody objected or even cared. “Sand, acorns, computer beeps, paper, who cares?” said one man-on-the-street in a TV interview. “It spends.”

And this was exactly what little Bennie and his friends knew from historical experience would be the public reaction.

And there was nothing to worry about until the amount of all those sand grains became so great that it took too many to buy the necessities of life and the feared hyper-inflation would swoop in. That would be temporarily taken care of by something called the Income Tax, which would suck (some of) the excess sand out of circulation before it could be spent in the marketplace.

Lil’ Benny knew that the people would have to believe that the expense of government is taken care of by taxes. Of course, it wasn’t anymore, but as Henry Kissinger was heard to utter around that time, “It is not important what is true but what the people perceive to be true that counts.”

And the use of the term “taxpayer’s money” was inserted into the news reports a hundred times more than it was ever used back when there actually was such a thing. And along with it came the screaming complaints about the “waste of tax dollars.” But money with imaginary value can pay only an imaginary tax.

And the sand kept flowing for whatever Benny desired. And the dump trucks delivered more to little Benny’s sandbox whenever he called for it.

Then along came a few cooperative economists and newsmen with great solutions to the inflationary and rising-tax problem. “We need the Fair Tax,” said Atlanta talk show host Neal Boortz. “Buy my book about it,” and when a few zillion did so, very few disagreed with the theory. And a decade later when a deluded former Congressman figured out all that need be done is “insert a Flat Tax of 15% on all goods and services and that will fix everything,” only a few more yelled with derision, because every “solution” was shooting at the delusion instead of the target.

So let us analyze this ingenuity of taxing the sand: Benny distributes all his sand dollars to the banks and government and the more he distributes the more its purchasing power is diluted and the more each worker must earn in order to pay the resulting rising prices.

moneyThen he has his partners in theft at the IRS grab much of it back every April 15th, but the singular annual extraction cannot nearly keep up with multiple annual infusions, and this is why everything is priced at ten or more times in counterfeit dollars as to what it was in lawful money in 1968. (Today’s $8 plate lunch was 80 cents; $3.50 gasoline was 35 cents, etc.) The rate difference is actually 16-1 as this is written but has been more than twice that in recent years through manipulation by the “Lil’ Bennies” behind the commodity market scenes.

Now we examine the brainstorm of the Flat Tax. Little Benny distributes sand dollars for use in the marketplace. Jim Traficant, former Ohio Congressman who was railroaded into prison for telling the truth, has now become a cheerleader for the system by advocating the ridiculous idea that if we take 15% of the sand back, government will be funded and there will be no need for the IRS to even exist.

Now who is dumber than a fifth grader this month? Duh, le’see here. We’ll just charge everybody 15% more sand dollars at the front end (thereby further raising the cost of living by that much) and give it all back to the government bureaucrats, and the fiscal problems will be solved.

More Traficant naivete:

(American Free Press – July 28th 2014)

When will those three-piece suits in Washington, D.C. wise up? It’s the tax code, stupid. How many more companies will leave? How many more jobs will we lose? How much more blame will the politicians heap on these companies that have decided to abandon the U.S.? Where’s the plan to abate this exodus?
The tax code is killing the United States, but the disease is so widespread that we’ve learned to die with it. I label this disease taxus mortus—a financial cancer with no end in sight. This economic mess is curable, though. It isn’t rocket science.
America must become more tax friendly. Throw out this communist tax code and replace It with a flat 15% national sales tax on all new goods and services with no exemptions, and jobs will return to America.

Of one thing we can be sure: Traficant’s enemies in Washington will not jail him again, as long as keeps using their own deception about “Taxpayer’s Money” to keep us confused. And one thing he says is right on target: “We are suffering a financial cancer with no end in sight.” Yup, and there never will be until we get back to circulating gold and silver coin.

That old lawful system, still on the books, also carried with it the exact hidden benefit that all of the Jim Traficants of the world claim to be seeking: no income tax. The modern income tax funds nothing and serves only to vacuum up excess paper, thereby prolonging the inevitable hyper-inflation. The banksters knew that the Federal Reserve’s distribution of fiat money could not begin (and would have been doomed to a quick failure) without it, and that is the reason the Income Tax was slipped into the system in February before the FED was surreptitiously put in place in December of 1913.

Under the Old Testament system of “just weights and measures,” there was never a need for an income tax. The protective layer in the system where the States funded the government not only kept the federal bureaucracy small but honest. And as the late, great Merrill Jenkins so succinctly put it, “‘Money’ must be outlawed and wealth reinstated!”

“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value — zero.”    — Voltaire (1694-1778)




Comment (1)

  1. Anthony Clifton

    while we’re at it we could also require that every American
    know the EXACT difference between the Children of Israel &
    “so-called Jews”… .especially the “PROSELYTES”.

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